The Justice Movement is a unique partnership between Nazarene Youth International and Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. This movement is a collective voice for justice and compassion in the world. It is made of kids, students, young adults, families, and churches who believe they can make a difference in our world.
Wherever you are at in the world, however old you are, you can promote justice by making your JUST MOVE. Whether you want to partner with the JUST WATER initiative or create your own JUST MOVE, The Justice Movement is there to empower, equip, resource, support, and encourage. We celebrate together when young people make their own JUST MOVE in their communities and in their world.
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Youth-Led. The Justice Movement believes the Church has a unique position in the world to work toward justice because of her relationship with Jesus. The Justice Movement partners with youth of local churches, supporting them in their efforts to serve others, create change in their communities, and point people toward the love of God through Christ. Because local churches are engaged in their communities, they understand the needs of their neighbors, and because local churches are not leaving after a specific program or project is started, the work they do through the support of the Justice Movement becomes sustainable.
Holistic & Global. Poverty and justice are complex things that pervade our world. Those who suffer may lack material or financial resources, and they may be wronged or robbed of their human dignity. But it’s far more than that. To get at the root causes of deep issues, we have to address the whole person: spiritual, relational, and systemic aspects that keep people trapped in the unjust situations we see. A whole person approach to creating change works toward physical, relational, and spiritual wellness for individuals and communities. The Justice Movement approaches this work together—as a global church—and desires to make resources available to youth in every region of the world.
Child-Focused. Children are the most vulnerable population in our world. The Justice Movement gives support to children as they become the people God created them to be. To do this, we support a child’s specific needs, such as stability, freedom, education, food, and clean water. Because children are part of a larger story, we seek to work through their families and communities to address situations of need.
Community-Based. As people who are made in God’s image, community members have dignity, value, and capacity to create change themselves. The Justice Movement works together with partners to equip churches to work alongside community members to develop their own communities and address their own situations and challenges.
Transformational. The goal of this movement is to work beyond community development projects and humanitarian assistance. Our goal is to see individual and communal transformation through Christ—both for those we serve and those doing the serving. Our goal is to see more justice and generosity today than we did yesterday. Our faith is the heart of who we are, what we do, and how we work. We affirm the work of God as the cornerstone of transformation.